Friday, March 25, 2011

Our profile is officially online!

It's official, we have finally done our part and our profile is online, yeah! Now it is pretty much out of our hands and more in the Lord's hands on when our baby should come to us. It will be interesting to see how long it takes now that birth mom's can view our information online. It feels good to have all the work done and to be qualified. Our case worker says the average wait is around 2 years, but you really never know. It could take longer than that or it could happen quicker, so we will see what happens for us.

I wrote a thank you email to a birth mother that spoke to us at the panel about a month ago and asked her for advice on a couple things. She responded to my email yesterday and said we should make some pass along cards and she would pass them to people she knows who are pregnant. I thought that was way cool she offered to do that, what a sweet girl!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Our case worker just did the home inspection

It's been a lot of work but we are finally about finished with all the paperwork needed to get our adoption profile online so birth mom's can start looking at our profile. Our case worker came over a couple days ago and did the house check and she said they have to do a final review of all our stuff but their goal is to have our profile online next week! We are really excited to have our part done. It has taken a very long time and it has been a lot of work to complete everything and jump through all the hoops to get approved but we are finally there. It will be interesting to see how long the waiting process is until we get our baby. Our case worker doesn't think it will be that long for us since we are a cute and fun couple. She thinks 6-12 months maybe, but of course no one knows. It's up to the birth mom to decide on that one. I am just happy to know that our part is done and now it's in the Lord's hands on when the right time is. We don't want just any baby, but the right one that is going to succeed in our home and that we can benefit the most.

Stu called me later in the day after the case worker left and said she wanted us to hurry and check the final review button online on our profile so they could pass our info on to a birth mom that was in their office at that moment. She wanted to send our info on with a few other couples that she could look at and review this weekend. We thought that was really cool! There is a good chance it nothing will come from it, but just the fact that the case worker is thinking of us and thinks we are a good option and is passing our info onto a birth mom, that is all we can ask. The more times that scenario happens, the more likely things are to work out for us. So we shall see. I will post the day our profile goes "LIVE"

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Met with our case worker and working on birth mother letter

We met with our case worker and had our interviews with her this past week. She set up a time next week to come and do a house check. It's nice we are making progress and getting closer to getting our profile up online. We are currently working on the birth mother letter which is taking quite a long time. It's hard because you want it to sound just right and you don't want it to be misinterpreted by the birth mom's that are reading it. There is a limited amount of space so what you write needs to be to the point and accurately portray who you are as a couple. It's tricky and hard to know what she wants to hear from you and to see it from her eyes/perspective. It's a lot of editing and re editing and reworking. Needless to say we are ready to have this part completed. It kind of hurts my brain thinking about it. We are also working on the photo album which has 24 pictures and a description underneath each picture.