Saturday, June 23, 2012

My body is ready, but the baby is undecided

I met with my neighbor again yesterday that does the foot zoning/muscle testing and she noticed in my feet that things were a lot looser. She said before my pelvic bones were still really tight but now they are spread open and ready to go. She said my body is ready to go but when she muscle tested to see when the baby was coming, she said he is undecided. I asked her what I could do about that and she said, you need to convince him to come.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Three more days maybe?

My cute neighbor does foot zoning and muscle testing and today she worked on my feet and said things are still tight and it doesn't feel like he is quite ready to come. She did some muscle testing and she didn't think he was coming today, tomorrow or even Friday but more like Saturday which is in three days. She thought maybe I would go into labor Friday night and actually have him on Saturday. She said this isn't an exact science and she doesn't know for sure, but that is her predictions. It will be really interesting to see if that is how it pans out! I really wouldn't be surprised though because I don't feel like he is coming in the next day or two either. I think he is going to take his time coming. I talked to my mom today and she said she didn't feel like he was coming this week either. So between the three of us ladies, we will see if our intuitions are right or not so much! only time will tell. I just got to get my patient mind set going on now;)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Still nothing and getting bummed out

Well, still nothing happening and I am starting to get bummed. I can't really schedule anything to do with myself because this baby should be coming any day now but I am not really getting any contractions and nothing is happening. Every day that he doesn't come feels like a week. It is hard too because the doctor told me he thought he would come at least a week early and the ultrasound tech said I was measuring ahead of schedule so now that we are passing those dates, it feels like I am late even though I'm not. I think it would have been easier if I would have kept my due date June 24th in my head rather than around the 17th. I know I am so close but it is amazing how extremely slow time is going right now. We tried a bunch of natural ways to help get labor going but nothing has worked and it's kind of a bummer. I kind of just want to give up and say whatever, I guess I will just sit and wait and do nothing. I am so uncomfortable too where I don't really want to go out and do much because it is hard to walk because the head is so low and my hips hurt even when I stand and I have to go pee every 10 minutes and it's hard to move around and get in and out of the car. It seriously feels like my stomach couldn't possible get any bigger and that I will pop at any given moment. So for all those reasons it's just easier to stay home, however there is nothing to do at my house but watch tv or play games on my phone or check the computer which all get pretty old rather quickly. I just don't know what to do with myself!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Getting anxious!

We are getting pretty anxious at this point for our little man to get here. My bags are packed, the room is ready to go and now we are just waiting. The hubby asks several times a day, "Is he coming?" "When is he coming?" He is really excited and anxious and really wants him to come this Sunday on Father's Day. We have an ultrasound appointment this Monday June 18th at 1:30 and then meeting with the Dr after that. We are really hoping we have him that day or sometime the first of the week. If we had him Monday, that is only 3 days away which would be awesome! We will see how it goes. I haven't had too many contractions lately and everything is pretty chill right now. Just can't wait to see and meet our little cutie!!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

38 week appointment

I am still 70% effaced and dilated to about a 2.5 just like last week. My doctor said next Monday on June 18th he will do an ultrasound and scrape my membranes to help kick start things. I would love to have this baby next Monday or close to it, that would be perfect! Earlier this week I came down with a cold and had no energy and just didn't feel good. I have more energy now but am still stuffed up and am having a hard time breathing through my nose which is frustrating. I really need to kick this before I go into labor because I am going to need to by 100% healthy so I have my energy to put into delivering this baby. It will be interesting to see when this baby decides to come. We got the baby room set up this week and it's super cute! All I need now is to get some cute wall art and pictures to fill in the blank wall space and the room will be set! This baby is coming soon and we are ready and excited about it:)

Monday, June 4, 2012

37 Week Appointment

I just had my 37 week appointment and all went well. The doctor said I am currently dilated to a 2.5 almost a 3 and 70% effaced/thinned out, so my body is getting close to having this little guy. My due date is June 24th, and he is thinking I will be a week early. I am a little nervous because my doctor is going to be out of town all next week and If I come any more than a week early than my doctor might not be there to deliver me which would be really sad. I will be meeting with a nurse practitioner next Monday for my 38 week appointment. If I don't have the baby next week I will have my 39 week appointment on Monday the 18th and the doctor said I will have an ultrasound and he would strip my membranes that day. It's lookin like this baby is going to be coming in just 2 weeks if not sooner, crazy stuff! and oh so exciting! We have had a teenage proctor girl living with us for the past 7 months and she just moved out this past weekend and her room is the nursery so I haven't been able to put any of my stuff in the baby room until now. So this week I am excited about putting the baby room together:) It is going to be soooooo cute! I got a darling bedding set and room set that my sweet sister surprised me and bought for me. I am ready to decorate! I also just bought a porch swing which by wonderful to sit outside and swing the baby in the fresh air. Exciting things await!