Monday, October 17, 2011

A new outlook

I realized I haven't written anything for a couple months and am not sure if that is a good thing or bad thing. No actually I am pretty sure it's a good thing because rumor has it that no news is good news right? I heard a conference talk recently from Elder Deiter F. Uchtdorf and he had some really good words of wisdom (as usual) that I have decided to take to heart. He said we need to stop waiting for our "golden ticket" to be happy. The one thing in life we want more than anything. We sometimes focus on and are only looking for Roses or big exotic flowers that we miss out on all the beautiful tiny "forget me not" flowers along the way. Or basically the joys, blessings, and things made available to us along the way. That was basically the gist of it. It was quite impactful for me and I highly recommend this to anyone and everyone. I think most of us struggle with this at different times in our lives.

Here is the link to the fabulous article:*+(name%3a%22Dieter+F.+Uchtdorf%22)

It's not to say that our struggles and trials are not extremely difficult and challenging, but it's amazing how powerful our minds are and if we are willing to change our outlook or perspective on the situation, it changes everything and adds a whole new level of positivity to the situation. I have been so focused on the baby issue and how I am so frustrated and dissapointed that we have had to wait so long and still have nothing to show for it, that I have overlooked all the many wonderful things we do have.

Right now me and the hubby are going to put time and energy into what we have control over. We are basically checking off everything possible on our "bucket list" and making some great memories and living to have no regrets. We are going to have fun right now on vacations, interests, home remodeling and whatever else we feel like. If it's not the right time for us to bring children into our home then we are not going to sit here and whine and complain about what we don't have. We have a great relationship and we have fun together and both enjoy taking risks and being adventurous. My husbands younger brother and his wife are due in February with their third child and rather than be bummed in the month of February for something we have no control over, we figured lets go to Hawaii for a week with my cousin and her hubby! Now that it something we have control over and rather than dread February we can look forward to it and get excited! Now that is what I am talking about. We are going to make the best of this discouraging situation and not play the victim, and depressing life card. We have a new spring in our step. There is something to be said about counting your blessings and being grateful for all that we have, for it truly could be worse!

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