Saturday, March 10, 2012

How I got pregnant

Some people have asked me how I got pregnant after waiting and trying for so long. Well here is the story. My mom had been meeting with an Iridologist which is someone that takes close up pictures of your eyes and can see what your body is lacking or deficient in. The eye is a muscle and is connected and shows all areas of your body. She suggested I meet with this Iridologist named Nancy Coones to see if she could help me. I took my mother's advice and met with Nancy the end of June 2011. There were several issues that I had and some but not all included; my body being low in calcium, I had some issues with my gallblader, problems with my ovaries and she said my uterus was diseased and couldn't function. This was the first time that someone told me there was an issue with my female productive system and it was actually nice to hear. It was nice in the fact that obviously there was a problem, yet every time I went to the OBGYN they kept doing different tests and said everything looked just fine and they thought they would see me back in a few months pregnant. Well that never happened and nothing the doctors tried worked. I tried everything except invitro which is a $15,000 or more process. Nancy gave me some homeopathics and herbal liquids and supplements to repair and strengthen the week parts of my body. She also encouraged me strongly to change my diet and to eat more healthy meals and food. I needed to eat a lot more fresh vegetables and fruit then I normally do. I tried really hard to follow her plan with everything she gave me to give her program a fair shot.

In September I had bled for 52 days straight and was starting to get really worried and was wondering what was going on. I tried to get a hold of Nancy to let her know what was going on and to see what I should do. She was out of town and I couldn't reach her but I thought I needed to get the bleeding to stop. I called the nurse at my OBGYN's office and she said to come pick up birth control pills and to take it for 30 days and that would stop the bleeding. I picked it up, brought it home and just did not feel good about taking birth control even for one day when I was trying to get pregnant. I just didn't feel good about that. Finally Nancy called me back and told me most definitely not to take the pills and that it would mess up her program. She said it was good that I was bleeding because that meant my body was cleaning out all the toxins and bad stuff from my body. She did agree that I didn't need to be bleeding that much and she suggested a healthy homeopathic to stop the bleeding. I ordered it, but ended up stopping the next day without having to even use it. The amazing thing is that after those 52 days of bleeding, I conceived right after that on September 9th! Could you imagine if I would have taken that birth control pill? How awful would that have been! I give all the credit to Nancy for making my body healthy and for getting me pregnant. That means with only 2 1/2 months of taking her natural healthy supplements, I got pregnant!

Nancy has stressed to me how important eating healthy is and that what we eat really effects our health. I am trying hard to eat really healthy to give my baby the healthy nutrients he needs. Whatever I eat goes straight to the baby and I want to make sure I take good care of the little sweetie. I would love it if my baby really enjoyed and preferred to eat vegetables and fruits and healthy stuff rather than all the junk that is out there that is harmful to our bodies. I am going to try really hard to do my part to give my baby a successful and positive start to this life without health problems or sickness as much as I can. How great would that be to not even have the desire to eat candy and sweets and junk food? To not feel like you are depriving yourself or sacrificing, but to actually not enjoy the junk and to prefer healthy snacks. I think that would be great if it were me!

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