Saturday, August 6, 2011

Blah, everything is just bla

My husband nailed it tonight when we both looked at each other with discouragement and I asked him what was up. He said, Blah, everything is just blah and I can't seem to shake it. That is exactly how I have been feeling lately. We are 100% on the same page. The most frustrating part is that I am trying to find joy in my life but ultimately at the end of the day, everything is just blah.

The hubby is quite frustrated as well. When we first started the adoption classes we were excited about getting involved and meeting some new people without kids, in the same crappy situation we are in. We heard about a really good adoption seminar that is next weekend and everyone told us it was well worth going to. Well, I asked the hubby if he wanted to go, and he immediately said, "nope". After having the two birth mom's that had emailed us just dissapear on us out of the blue and ignored our emails and questions we just don't feel any hope that anything is going to work for us anytime soon. I don't blame him, I pretty much feel the same way. We are so burnt out from putting so much effort into this whole mess of a situation just to turn around and get our hopes up, we would rather just do nothing at this point. I mean can you blame us? For the past 5 years out of the 7, 12 months a year we have been putting effort into starting our family and every month it has been a dissapointment. That is a lot of months of pain and tears and frustration. People say don't give up, but honestly, what do you expect?

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