Monday, May 28, 2012

I wanted to make a list of the changes my body has gone through during this pregnancy. First Trimester: -I had several weeks during the first trimester that I was exhausted and wanted to sleep all the time, but couldn't understand why I was so tired. -My breasts were getting bigger which the hubby noticed around 10 weeks -I felt a little lump in my stomach (All of this was before I knew I was pregnant about 12 weeks along) -Having to go to the bathroom a lot. -I had about 1 week of morning sickness right after I found out I was pregnant from about week 12-13 where I would throw up liquid first thing in the morning and then I was good to go. Second Trimester: -Bladder issues around 4-5 months along where I just couldn't hold it in. -Lots of energy -Noticed a light brown line around the nipple and also a straight brown darker line running up half of my stomach Third Trimester: -Having a hard time sleeping starting around 32 weeks. Just could not get comfortable and had to sleep on my left side. As soon as I would flip to my right side to lay on, I would have trouble breathing through my nose and would have to flip back to the left side. It got frustrating though because my left side started hurting and feeling bruised from laying on my hip. -I get winded and out of breath when I do just about anything. Walking up the stairs or moving things around, getting in and out of the car or any other random thing. -Bought my first set of maternity clothes, capri's and two shirts from Motherhood at 32 weeks (April 28, 2012). I went shopping before my first baby shower! -At 33 weeks, it looks as if my belly button wants to pop out at any time. -Started to get heart burn around 32 weeks some nights when I was trying to sleep -Braxton hicks -Baby was breach at 33 weeks, but at week 35 baby was in head down position:) I was nervous about that one so I tried a couple things to see if I could get the baby flipped. I tried the slant board where you lay on a slanted mat or board upside down for about 10 minutes to get the baby to flip. Another thing I tried was putting headphones on the lower part of my belly so the baby would want to flip his head around and listen to the music. I also tried scratching and squeezing my left pinky toe which I heard could flip a breach baby. Something must have worked to get him to move:) -33 weeks I have started to really feel more moody and irritable and I get agitated and annoyed with people easily. I also get emotional and worked up rather easy. -36 weeks my baby dropped and he is not sitting so high anymore. -36 week I am pretty sure I lost my mucous plug I have to say my pregnancy has been going very well and I have been very blessed. I haven't had any weird cravings, I haven't felt sick, no stretch marks. I've been feeling really good. I have mostly just been noticing my growing belly which has been fun! I am planning on doing a natural birth and have been preparing for this by taking classes to learn breathing techniques, massage and mind control to help with the pain. I am also taking all the supplements the iridologist suggested for me and will be taking a cervix softener and a birth prep pill that is supposed to help prepare my body for labor as well. I am really trying to do my part to make this process go as smoothly as it possibly can and to try and alleviate some of the pain. I talked to the lady at the herb shop where I purchase my natural pills and supplements and she said she had all her babies at home all natural and she was always just excited to have her babies rather than being scared. She knew women's bodies were made and built to have babies so she didn't let herself fear the process. She knew there would be pain but she wanted to be part of the process and feel and see her babies coming out. I liked her positive outlook on this experience and I think that really helped the experience go smoother for her and not be quite as painful. I know the mind is very powerful and if we decide to freak out and get scared and stress out, then our bodies will tense up and it really will make delivery more painful. I am going to try to have that same positive attitude and just go with the process. However if the doctor's have some concern or don't think my pelvis is big enough or if there is going to be a problem, I am also okay with getting the epidural and won't feel bad about going that route.

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